Another prayer request is that we are looking into the possibility of taking some kids to summer camp this summer. Pray that if this is something we should do we find the right place, choose the right kids, and have the means to make it happen.
Sunday night classes have been going great. We love the First Baptist Youth helpers. The classes have been a little less attended and a little less structured then I might have hoped, but the kids are being loved, learning new activities, and learning about serving and worshiping God.
Another praise is that on Mondays some of the men have stepped up to teach the lessons to the kids! It is wonderful for the children to see a man love and teach God's Word and it also frees me up to take care of other needs.
A few of our kids have moved in the last few weeks... we are trying to learn how to continue to pursue them and keep them plugged in. This is why it's so great to have them connected to individual mentors... I don't feel like they'll just be lost now that they don't live in the neighborhood anymore...I know there is still someone connected to them.
One last prayer request - there may be the possibility of opening up a community center in another one of the housing projects here in Bryan and starting a similar program with children there. There is a group doing a Bible club at that location next week so we will see what all comes of that.
cooking class
our valentine party
painting fun! (thanks mom for the smocks)