So, the toilet overflowed last night.
And if you are thinking overflowed, like a little water coming out the sides while you are plunging, take a look at the above graphic one more time.....
That's right, it was like The Peace Place meets Niagara Falls. Thankfully, it didn't happen until the end of the night after our Bible lesson, when the kids were one on one with their leaders going over what we had talked about. One of the boys in the back room kept splashing his foot in the water that had covered the floor in half of the building - a leader finally got annoyed by the sound and asked him to stop and then did a double take and wondered "Why is there water all over the floor for him to splash in?" - What followed was about 30 minutes of mopping and sweeping and towel soaking and wringing out, and removing in any means possible (other than licking) what felt like 10 bathtubs full of water from the floor. (In actuality it was probably more like one bathtub full, but it sure felt like 10) Although it was somewhat chaotic, the kids seemed to enjoy tramping through the water and "helping" - imagine that. :o) Anyways, it was good for a laugh... I'm still trying to get everything cleaned and dried out and back to normal, hopefully it will be by the end of the week.
In all reality, the most exciting part of last night was not the Niagara toilet, but that we had three new volunteers who were great, which meant that a couple new kids got to come! Praise God! (It's really not fun to send crying kids home each week because there is no mentor for them)
Jehovah Jirah- Our God is a great provider and I can't wait to see who and what all else he has in store for this semester.
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