Our Vision

Through the power of Christ and the method of mentoring relationships see at-risk children provided with a safe and encouraging place within their own community to take hold of true hope and life change in Christ. That these children will then pass along positive change to their future families and communities.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Granny's House

Last fall, I described to a friend of mine my vision for what I hoped to be a part of in moving back to Bryan and begining "The Peace Place". As she listened she commented that what I was describing sounded similar to a minstry that existed near she went to school in Missouri. I went home and explored that ministry's website and was greatly encouraged because it made what I hoped to do seem more possible and tangible. Anyways, although I am not aiming to be a copy of anything else, it is exciting to see a model already in place of the sort of ministry that I would like to do. Below are the website and blog for "Granny's House" if any of you are interested.



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